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Personal Profile

NINA LAS BRUF is an actress, writer and theater director. She was born in Rome in 1972. She graduated in Modern Literature at the Tor Vergata University in Rome and at the age of 25, pressed and honored by rather cumbersome family realities, she began a course of practical theater studies first in Milan at the Civic School of Dramatic Art Paolo Grassi and subsequently in Etampes, Paris, at Philippe Gaulier's clown school. She participates in some Roman and neighboring cultural associations such as Giocartè, Sulla Cima dell'Olimpo, TerreVivaci, Idee in Movimento and is in the group of founders of some theatrical realities such as Mercuzio&Co, LeSetteAllegreRisatelle (her personal project) and Il Teatro Invisibile.

From 2017 she joined the team of actors, musicians and puppeteers of the San Carlino Theater, in Rome, directed by Caterina Vitiello, where she still works.

In 2022 she tried to evolve her project, LeSetteAllegreRisatelle, with the creation of a "CONCEPT THEATER", inspired by the numerous concept shops that are so fashionable lately. She proposed “DISARMATO THEATER” to some political and cultural realities of Rome for the creation, the assignment, of a physical space where she could implement an artistic reality that deals with a specific topic: anti-militarism and the refusal of war. Unfortunately from culture and politics, for now, she hasn't had any feedback. "I don't give up!" says the artist and goes on.
The focus of her personal and professional interest is, therefore, disarmament, anti-militarism and total rejection of war, exclusively through artistic methods. This is the center of her research.
“I haven't reached the square yet! I have not yet managed to find that technique that will convince us all, through humor, to lay down our WEAPONS! But I'm working on it and I would like the help of all those who will see my work and feel like giving advice in this sense, in this direction!" declares the artist. In her work, dialogue with children, the future rulers of her country, has had great space in order to learn and understand from them how previous generations have reduced them, and even her own generation, off course, with the aim of helping them to emerge from the obviousness of the concept of war.
War is the first thing that, at least in our western society, kids are loaded with. In their fertile minds war is very soon connected to pleasure, fun, possibility, eternity and magic.
NINA thinks we need to go to the root of the problem: we absolutely need to eradicate this huge BAOBAB from our children's heads before it's too late.
With this in mind, she created shows for children:

She also aspires to be able to speak to adults for which she has created and produced a series of shows:

She hopes that in the future -as close as possible, because she also cares about her own life- just guns manufacturers, arms sellers and war promoters will go to jail and not those who steal out of hunger, ignorance and desperation.

In the future she plans to open a permanent laboratory, at San Carlino Theater, in Rome, which will deal with the tragedy of Euripides IFIGENIA IN AULIDE from the point of view of the clown and the buffon to help young generation eradicate another huge BAOBAB, which is the idea that it is heroism if a young man or a young woman decides/accepts to sacrifice himself/herself to allow a society of old men to wage war.

"Be like the Cedar

that perfumes the ax

that cuts it down."
Indian proverb

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+39 340 5646373

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