The trojan priestess dedicated to the god Apollo and fated by him to utter true prophecies but never to be believed.
Lady Macbeth has always been seen and played, from what I know, as the source of a deep rooted and conscious evil, as the deep engine of her man's bad actions.
When she invokes the spirits normally she already knows what will happen next.
She sees murder, blood, the throne!
In usual representations of this play and character Bad and Evil are clearly separated… May be too much!
Is it so in real life?
Especially in these times we see how mixed the two things are...
We seek cures for diseases and we produce new viruses, we try to protect people and we take away their freedom or we reduce them to poverty, we look for the health of the planet and depopulation is invoked...
I desire to make Shakespeare react with our truth, our reality…
I desire him to be the mirror of nature as he said once…
Our mirror again!
Hannah Arendt said:
“What I really think now is that evil is never "radical", but only extreme, and that it has neither depth nor a demonic dimension. It can invade and devastate the whole world, because it spreads out on the surface like a fungus. It "challenges" thought, as I said, because thought tries to reach depth, to go to the roots, and when it seeks evil, it is frustrated because it finds nothing. This is its “banality”".
What if Lady Macbeth absolutely did not think about the crown during her invocation, did not see the killing of Duncan at all? What would happen if she were thinking, instead, of love, of sex with her man, with her beloved one, her shy and candid husband?
We are all under the LADY MACBETH'S SPELL as long as we continue to build, sell and use weapons, as long as we continue to make shoes, food, clothes for soldiers.
Luisa Casati Stampa Marchesa di Soncino, now reduced to pavement, is on an ocean liner heading to the United States of America to meet a billionaire whom she would like to seduce and strip alive of all her possessions to put her finances in order and continue his career as Muse of all the most famous artists of the Belle Epoque. The designated chicken, however, warned of the many rumors about the Marquise, wants to know her better without being recognized and, therefore, passes himself off as one of the journalists who crowd around her during the crossing to ask her some indiscreet questions! The two end up in his cabin, alone, and while he portrays her in a watercolor, Luisa retraces the most important stages of her life, the memorable encounters: with Gabriele D'Annunzio, Augustus John, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, the Cardinal of Paris Louis -Ernest Dubois. Obviously the young American billionaire, after the tales of this Femme Fatal that has inspired so many artists, falls madly in love with her and is ready to give her everything… But… Surprise ending for a woman full of surprises! This is the frame! Then, playing with Luisa's famous propensity for the occult, within the show, Channellizations with characters from the past and the future will be staged with respect to the historical period in which Luisa lived!
An actress on stage who plays all the characters. Use of Videos on stage!
Written, directed and played by Camilla Ribechi
Running time: 80 minutes
An Artificial Intelligence guides young students through a museum and tells them about the huge mistake men have made: believing themselves as descendants of chimpanzees instead of bonobos. The good news is that humanity is descended from bonobos!
Artificial intelligence has discovered this truth and teaches it to little "humans" visitors of the "Museum of the Future" in Turin.
From DNA by Dennys Kelly.
Music by Andrea Causapruna
SoloFakeTV 1 6/2023
A completely false television, in an era full of censorship, direct or indirect, tells current events from a completely false point of view...
First episode.
A peculiar version of Nina's famous monologue from Cechov's "Seagull"
A poem by Trilussa